A Clean Slate
What else are we doing to help ensure “justice for all”?
In Wichita, Koch Companies Public Sector is helping Kansas Legal Services with its Juvenile Clean Slate Project. The goal is to help those with juvenile arrests or convictions get them expunged from their records. (All states allow some juvenile delinquency records to be cleared, but the process varies from state to state depending on the information involved.)
Koch is also reaching out to organizations supported by Stand Together, such as Youth Entrepreneurs, Rise Up for Youth and other transformative community-based groups, to find others who would benefit from this effort.
Such initiatives bring together people from all walks of life to move the country forward, one step at a time. In “Believe in People,” Charles and Brian tell the story of Van Jones, who once led protests against what is now Stand Together, but in recent years has been partnering with Stand Together.
In a video recorded following the passage of the federal First Step Act, a historic criminal justice reform enacted in 2018, Van said: “We started working together to get some other people free, but the reality is, those of us who worked on this, we got some freedom.”