I have already told the story of federal criminal justice reform in a previous issue of Discovery. It remains one of the greatest recent proof points of how people who disagree on many things can still come together to make incredible headway on one thing where they agree. As Brian and I point out, no matter what issue we face, “we can achieve more together than we ever could apart — even and especially when we unite with those who think differently and bring different capabilities to the task at hand.”
These principles represent nothing less than a paradigm shift for many people. For me, they are a marker against which I continually measure my actions, in every aspect of my life. If our society is willing to embrace them, and I believe it is, the benefits will be widely and quickly felt.
By clicking "continue reading" below, you will encounter several examples of what it looks like to believe in people. These are drawn from our work at Koch and through Stand Together. You’ll find examples for each of society’s core institutions — communities, education, business and government.
These examples offer a small taste of what you’ll find in the book. It’s full of stories, many from my life and many more from people I’ve met and supported over the years — from former drug addicts and gang leaders to inner-city principals and insightful entrepreneurs. They prove what’s possible when people are empowered to discover, develop and apply their gifts to helping others — that is, to self-actualize.
Despite these difficult times, I remain optimistic about the kind of society we can build, one where every person has the opportunity to contribute and thrive. You have a crucial role to play in realizing that vision. May this issue of Discovery — and my new book, “Believe in People” — speed you on the journey to transform your life and society itself.

Charles Koch, chairman and CEO, Koch Industries
Continue reading next section: Four Core Institutions of Society